I think I will be putting these down on my xmas list!!!
It wasnt very busy but I think the more we do it and the more people here about it we will get more visitors :) I have decided that although my fabric for my table super funky and colourful, I felt that it ditracted from the necklaces I had lying on it. Hmm, so now Im thinking, either choose a plain fabric *cries* lol, or buy some sort of necklace board to hang them on....
I also need to get my photos of all the new stock and hairclips taken asap so I can pop them on the website, since its looking abit bare, oops!
Just incase you dont know, its http://www.candydollcouture.com/ ;)
I decided to make some new earrings for the shop, which I will unveil to the world in a few days :D All I can say is they are pretty darn cute!!
Also, I have signed up to two craft fairs, one of which is the Craft Mafia fair at the Cluny, Newcastle Sun 16th August!!! (Poster created by a fellow craft mafian :D)
Clearer details can be found at http://www.newcastlecraftmafia.com/
Also, incase you havent seen these, I thought I would share. Momiji Doll Gashapons! ^___^ I popped into the Travelling Man the other week and low and behold they have a Gashapon machine...*squeals*!!! You can also buy them from Chicki if you dont have a shop near you that sells them. They had loads of different kinds, so I got two haha. I got a winner ticket (yes, you can also win Momiji goodies from them!) in my first, which won me some really cute Momiji greetings cards, and inside the ball I got super cute stickers and a little tote bag with a doll print on. The second gashapon I bought came with cute stickers and 2 seriously cute key covers! I really should have taken a pic of these. Here is a pic of some other goodies you can get inside from chicki....
I think Im going to scoot now, need to order loads of fimo to get cracking for the craft fair, I managed to use up ALL of my white, and glitter white, doh! xoxo
Make sure you add it to your cart! xoxo
Sailor Jerry style wall sticker set by dplusb
Polkadot cupcake tea towel by Living Thread
Kawaii Bambi cushion by Melon1
I hope you have enjoyed looking at these as much as I have, check out their shops as they all have some wonderful other items in stock! xoxo
I also had a peek on Cassandra's shop, she has the cupcake brooches I made for her on there now, yay!!
You can see them at Gee How Quaint in the Hostess with the Mostest section. Also, check out her super cool teacup Gocco print t-shirts in the Wear Me section!
Im going to log off now, have some final preparations to make for Karl's Bday tommorrow now hehe! xoxo
They are available in my Etsy shop CandyDoll Couture :)
I also made ALOT of jewellery and accessories for the Artworks Boutique. Took them all through yesterday, Im so excited, finally my things will be in a real shop! Im going next Thurs to their preview event, so Ill get lots of piccies to share of my goodies there!
I also added a glow in the dark cupcake hairclip to the shop, its pretty funky, I may have to make one for myself!
This was Cassandra's large artwork backdrop she did by hand, how pretty is it!? :)
Haha I dont remember this being taken! Me listening (and looking very serious) to Cassandra explain how the Gocco printer works.
3. Sweet Tattoo Pinup Girls coaster set of 4 by PinkyToast
4. Kimono Cuties gift tags by LemonTreeStudio
5. Lick Your Pick necklace by SugarAndSpiceDIY
6. Wizard Of Oz small clutch by simbiosisbyjulia
You NEED one in your life, its so funny! ^__^ Check out http://www.artbox.co.uk for it, and lots more cute and cool things!
I also got a Badtz Maru plushie, yaaaay!!! I have been wanting one for ever, and now I have him, he can snuggle in with Hello Kitty in my room :D
He came from http://www.dizzypink.co.uk/ UK's home for all things Hello Kitty ;)
Last night we all went bowling, which was mucho fun, even though I didnt come anywhere near to winning hehe. I love bowling, and Ive decided I want to do it more often, maybe even get good at it haha!
Today I met up with Clarebear for lunch and shopping, which was awesome, as I dont get to see her much anymore with us both being on work placement :( We had a giant feast at Stateside Diner (really cool 50's American diner) and then waddled around the shops to buy pretties! Oh god, and yeah, I had ANOTHER chinese tonight haha, because its my aunties birthday today, so she wanted chinese for her tea. I seriously cant move, and I think ive put on like 5 stone in 3 days lol! Time for a diet methinks ;)
Havent managed to get much crafting done, although I did price up everything I need for my screenprinting, so I should be able to get the stuff in April when I have more money. I think though, this week I will make some birthday/greetings cards to go up in the shop as I have bought everything and been meaning to do this for agees!
Im going to sign off now, and find some cute things on the web I guess, maybe post them here If I ever learn how to do that html linkage where you can change the actual word which becomes the link (does that even make sense?)... yep. Toodlepip xoxo
I also wanted to show off my boyfriend's fantastic figure he made, using fimo, no wire, just fimo!! (and glass eyes) hehe. He loves fantasy stuff, so he made a really cool *naked goblin* haha. Its his first and he has put it in his very own etsy shop...more to come!
His Etsy is:- http://www.grimeproducts.etsy.com
Hope everyone has a good day! xoxo
Ive also been making some really cute brightly coloured Kokeshi Dolls. They will be available in the shop next week, just need to take some good pictures of them..but for now here is a teaser..
I also caught Marmite sniffing my goodies while I was trying to photograph them haha!! Daft cat he is!
Sniffing my camera case bag!