
Thursday, 26 February 2009

Work Placement

Well, I had my first day at Gee...How Quaint on Mon, and it was fab!! Cassandra showed me how to use the Gocco printer (I NEED ONE!!!) and I printed off some of her artwork so she can work into them with other fabrics and stitching. I also printed some t-shirts for her shop. We discussed my idea of the paper dolls (vintage of course ;) ) for a print, so I have been drawing out ideas for a final print that I will show her tommorrow (so excited!). I also drew a load of vintage teapots yesterday as I had an idea for another print, so hopefully she will like those too.

I havent done much for CandyDoll Couture this week, mainly because I have like 81 things already in the shop, plus I have been really getting into drawing again.

Ooh, I ordered a totally cute top from New Look the other day, so hopefully it might turn up today, I decided I *needed* a new top to wear out for my birthday next week hehe. I think me and Karl are going to La Tasca...mmm tapas!
This is the cute top/dress:-

I also wanted to show off my boyfriend's fantastic figure he made, using fimo, no wire, just fimo!! (and glass eyes) hehe. He loves fantasy stuff, so he made a really cool *naked goblin* haha. Its his first and he has put it in his very own etsy shop...more to come!

His Etsy is:-

Hope everyone has a good day! xoxo

Friday, 20 February 2009

Funky Friday

This is a collection from my favourite sellers on Etsy, I completely adore these items.

1.Cupcake to do list by Winnieatepaper- A lovely shop with handmade printed stationary and other cute things!

2.MonokuroBoo wristlet by florspace- She makes the most amazing purses and bags with the cutest fabrics!You HAVE to have a look :)

3.Trickster Yeti and Cupcake T-shirt by Applenoggin-She sells the most awesome screen-printed cute t shirts and kawaii jewellery!

4.Matryoshka Russian Doll home decoration by TheJamboreePixie- Local artisan who sells really pretty home decorations and jewellery, very unusual designs :)

5.Kawaii Heart vial necklace pendant by strawberryanarchy-Gorgeous Japanese Street fashion inspired jewellery and accessories.

6.Geisha mini pillow by Mymimi-Such cute illustrations, printed onto pillows, tote bags, mirrors and alot more!

I hope you enjoyed looking at all my favourites, and if you can, please have a look at their shops, they all sell amazing stuff, very unique and fun! xoxo

Exciting stuff!

I have been so busy this week! I went abit crazy and made a crapload of hairclips (some of which are still drying) yesterday for the shop. You can see them in my Etsy!

Some of my new stock!

I am starting my work placement next Monday, at Gee How Quaint, and I am so excited!!

Please have a look at Cassandra's prints, they are so fun and quirky! (I tried to put it in as a link but it wasnt showing at all, anyone know why?)

She has asked me to come up with a design for 3 different items for her shop, so I am going to get cracking with this in a bit (after my yummy latte hehe). They will have a vintage theme, which is great because I looove vintage! She has also asked me if I can make some of my cupcake brooches to put into her shop as they will fit well with her style. Im chuffed!

Other news:- Marmite has a horrible bald patch next to his eye :s and it was bleeding last night, I have a feeling Meg has took a chunk out of him when they were scrapping lol.

I have also decided today I will showcase some of my favourite artisans off Etsy and other funky places I regularly drool over. I will probably do one a week for now, unless I get more free time haha!

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Polyvore cuteness!

Woohoo, I just made my first Polyvore, its so much fun!!

Cuteness - by candydollcouture on

New stock and life :)

Well, i made a crapload of fimo beads and little pendants the other day! I have some in the shop now. Also, Ive added some really cute rings with cabochons I ordered all the way from Japan!

I love the first bracelet, almost to much to sell it gah! Nah, its in the shop now so no going back hehe. I made the pretty oval beads with my brand spanking new bead roller :D

Ive also been making some really cute brightly coloured Kokeshi Dolls. They will be available in the shop next week, just need to take some good pictures of them..but for now here is a teaser..

I also caught Marmite sniffing my goodies while I was trying to photograph them haha!! Daft cat he is!

Sniffing my camera case bag!

And....I had a fantastic Valentines Day yesterday! My little brother was in a Valentines play put on buy his drama group, and he had one of the main parts! So me and Karl, mum, my aunt and gran all went to watch him. Aww, I am so proud of him, hes only 10 and hes soo good at remembering his lines! The audience found him pretty funny which was good :D
Then Karl came round for the evening as I was cooking us a romantic meal hehe. He got me 12 red roses!!!! They are gorgeous, and he also got me 2 pink heart shaped balloons, AND my favourite chocs!! We had a great evening, it was really lovely :) I made him a fimo Totoro haha, and also gave him some pretty chocs, he liked them woohoo!
I'm having a night in tonight though. Ive spent 2 hours sorting my portfolio out for tommorrow as Im meeting Cassandra from Gee How Quaint about a work placement. I hope she takes me on, her stuff is so cute!
Right, off to wait for my chinese now so ta ta for now xoxo

Thursday, 12 February 2009


I have my first follower, thanks Kezbirdie!! <3

I got my order of fimo yesterday, including some GLOW IN THE DARK fimo lol! Its seriously cool! I made a couple of things last night with Karl, but will be making a crapload of stuff today as its snowing and cold.

Im also waiting for my business cards, vistaprint emailed to say they are on their way, so excited to see them!!!

I was thinking, I would love to feature some crafty people on my blog, as I look at so many pretty and unique things, why not share with everyone else!? Only thing is, can I do this without asking permission as long as I list their name/link etc, or do I need permission to feature other peoples work?

Think I need more pic friendly posts in here, I seem to lack in this. And I no what I prefer, piccies, so much more fun to look at! ^__^

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Good news!

Things are looking up for me with the shop finally. In just 3 days I have had my first 3 orders on the new Etsy shop (yay!). It may not seem alot but if it carries on like this I will be working on the shop full time (which is what I want!).

I also saw my Ad on so I took a screenshot of it lol.

Still need to sort my business cards out, although I have a good idea of how I want them to look now. Oh and I also got asked for my first wholesale order!!!

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

New shop URL!!!

I decided to move everything over to a new URL on etsy as it is confusing having a different username to shop name on there.

You can find CandyDoll Couture now at

I will be updating it alot this week with more items, better pictures etc, so keep checking it :D xoxo

Monday, 2 February 2009

New Jewellery and life in general

Woah, Its been a month or so since I last blogged! Well, I got my Uni work finished and handed in, so Im just waiting to pick it up as its getting marked. My designs didnt turn out the way my illustrations look, but nevermind, Im still happy with them. I found out I can machine Applique woohoo! And i really enjoyed it haha.
Im meeting Cassandra from Gee How Quaint next week to have a chat about working with her for my placement which will be great! She prints using a Gocco printer onto fabric and makes really sweet bags and t shirts.
I also had a brainwave...Im going to buy a Screen Printing kit!!! I love screen printing, I can afford one, why not!? So my plan is, buy one, print my illustrations onto fabric/tshirts, and start selling them in the shop.

Since I finished Uni Ive been ordering alot of charms etc, so I finally got round to making some new jewellery for the shop. I also made a few fimo charms amongst the plastic ones :)

Hope you like!!

Oh, and here is my new logo for the shop, drawn and coloured in photoshop by moi ;)