
Wednesday 24 December 2008

Xmas cards

So, I have finished wrapping all the presents for my family, and today I finally got round to making their cards! I really enjoyed making them actually, and am thinking about making my own range of birthday cards (with my own fimo designs) for the shop in the New Year.
These are the cards I made:- (sorry about the crap quality pic!)
I think this will be a good christmas, I have a good feeling about it :) We did the big food shop on Monday, which went surprisingly well considering its normally heaving in the supermarkets by this time. We went into Next to get a gift voucher for Karl and while I was in there I saw the most gorgeous handbag...which my mum decided to treat me to, bless her! I love it!
Anyways, Im going to scoot, I need to put more presents under the tree hehe. Happy Christmas for tommorrow! xoxo

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