
Friday, 26 November 2010

New hairclips and hairbands!

I have been busy making some gorgeous new hairclips and hairbands for the shop, featuring strawberries, ice creams and hearts! I have also added a few bag charms to the site too.

I have had the worst flu EVER so have been resting, drinking lemsip and losing money due to being ill and not being able to go into work >.<

I also finally got a dining table (yay!) haha, I never thought I would get excited over furniture! But now my living room looks like a proper home ^__^ We also got another sofa so we have lots of seating for guests.

I am planning on doing some custom sets of false nails which I think I will trial either on facebook or the shop website. Im torn though, do I offer 20 nails (2 of each in every size) or take a customers measurements for each nail which means there is less wasteage? Hmm. Something to look into methinks!

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